

Current Announcements

 Fri, 20. Sept 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Dr. Ahlemann gave a presentation at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig

Frederik Ahlemann was invited to speak at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig on September 11 and 12, 2013. Most insurance companies have realized the importance of managing their business architecture....
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 Thu, 12. Sept 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Research meets Practice at SITM’s latest Research Colloquium

Another research colloquium took place at the SITM chair on Thursday, 29 August, with an honored guest from practice: Mr. Hilko Heuer, CIO at Ferrostaal GmbH. The colloquium covered topics such as cloud computing, smart grids,...
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 Mon, 02. Sept 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Ahlemann is part of a track chair at the ECIS 2014

Professor Dr. Frederik Ahlemann is involved as an associate editor in the track for “Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research” at the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014) in Tel Aviv, Israel. The...
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 Thu, 22. Aug 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Successful evaluation of the “Bachelor Project” course

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management received the evaluation results of its “Bachelor Project” course. The level of difficulty has been rated as adequate (1.83). Students gave the course’s learning effect a...
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 Mon, 19. Aug 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Course evaluation of “Fallstudie IT-Management” completed with positive results

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has received the course evaluation results of its case study (Fallstudie) “IT management”. The students specifically evaluated the practical relevance (1,32) and the...
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 Sun, 18. Aug 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Ahlemann invited to be a reviewer for the ICIS 2013

Recently, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a reviewer for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2013, which is the leading conference in the IS discipline. It takes place will occur...
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 Mon, 12. Aug 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Course evaluation of “Strategic Planning of IS“ completed with positive evaluation results

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management received the evaluation results of its course “Strategic Planning of IS.” The level of difficulty is described as appropriate (1,64). With a rating of 1,71, students...
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 Fri, 09. Aug 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Guest lecture by Prof. Ahlemann at the IS:link Summer School in Wroclaw, Poland

On September 2nd Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann will hold a guest lecture on Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) at the IS:link Summer School on “Service Science and Enterprise Architecture Management (SSEAM)” at the Wroclaw...
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 Tue, 06. Aug 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

SITM Chair appointed ISACA Academic Advocate for the University of Duisburg-Essen

Dr. Andreas Drechsler, post-doctoral researcher at the SITM chair, has been appointed the ISACA Academic Advocate for the University of Duisburg-Essen. The ISACA organization (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) is...
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 Mon, 05. Aug 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Completed Research Paper on the Use of Project Management Methodologies accepted at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2013 in Milano

We are proud to announce that the paper "Committed Use of Project Management Methodologies: Understanding the Role of Costs, Benefits, and Psychological Needs" authored by Dr. Kunal Mohan and Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann was...
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 Tue, 16. Jul 2013   Cleve, Nicolai

Paper on Process Benchmarking successfully published in Benchmarking: An International Journal

We are happy to announce that the paper “Semantic Process Benchmarking to Improve Process Performance” by Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, Martin Kluth, Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik was successfully released...
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 Tue, 16. Jul 2013   Cleve, Nicolai

Paper on Acceptance of Information System Methodologies accepted by the International Journal of Information Management

We are proud to announce that the paper “Understanding Acceptance of Information System Development and Management Methodologies by Actual Users: A Review and Assessment of Existing Literature” authored by Kunal Mohan and Frederik...
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Currently showing 409 to 420 out of 434