News Detail:
Wed, 28. Sept 2016 Hoffmann, David
Stephan Mühe awarded the ISACA Germany Thesis Award for his master’s thesis
At the IT-GRC Congress 2016, Stephan Mühe was awarded the ISACA Germany Thesis Award for his master’s thesis on “Design and Evaluation of an IT Risk Management Framework for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Germany, Based upon Existing Frameworks for Large-scale Enterprises.” Dr. Andreas Drechsler supervised the thesis. Not only the timeliness and originality of the thesis persuaded the jury to award Stephan, a graduate of the University of Duisburg-Essen, but also its high relevancy and usefulness for practitioners. Once a year, the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) grants the best graduate thesis in the field of IT-Governance, Information Security, and IT Risk Management or other related topics a reward of €1000.
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