News Detail:
Mon, 13. Sept 2021 Bergan, Peder
SITM paper accepted for the International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2021)
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Toward Smart City Architecture Principles: A Cornerstone in the Case of Smart City Duisburg” has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2021). The paper has also been accepted for publication in Springer's "Lecture Notes in Computer Science". The paper is authored by Peder Bergan, Kevin Rehring, Michel Muschkiet, Frederik Ahlemann, and Léonie Hackemann.
Paper abstract
Developing smart city (SC) solutions often requires complex collaboration between diverse organizations and systems. Given that SC initiatives face certain challenges comparable to that of traditional enterprises, existing SC architectures are often based on generic enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks. However, the resulting SC architectures tend to suffer from several weaknesses and existing research does not detail the process of developing SC EA principles. We address this gap by reporting on a collaboration with an SC initiative in a medium-sized European city and by presenting two artifacts we developed in that initiative: architecture principles and the related roles and structures. Corresponding to our involvement in the initiative, our work has been guided by the action design research approach. We expect that other SC initiatives can learn from our results and challenges and that transferring our approach to these initiatives will reduce their required effort for SC EA principles development.
The International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS) will take place in a virtual form from September 27-30, 2021.
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