News Detail:
Mon, 10. May 2021 Brandt, Niklas
SITM paper accepted for the 27th American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Internet of Things in Product Lifecycle Management – A Review on Value Creation through Product Status Data” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2021). The paper was written by Niklas Brandt, Frederik Ahlemann, Stefan Reining and Kevin Rehring.
Paper abstract
The increasing number of sensors and communication technologies that are built into customer products make information about the product status accessible over the internet. Nonetheless, manufacturers’ Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Information Systems (IS) do not integrate these product instance data. Furthermore, existing PLM IS do not support product related tasks after the manufacturing phase. In order to understand the impact of data from connected products as new sources of information on PLM, we conducted a systematic literature review. Our results led to a topic map that identifies drivers, use cases and barriers and contextualizes them. We further analyzed existing PLM models that support the analysis of product instance data. We found that the existing PLM IS have several limitations which hinder a successful realization in practice. The results of this review are a first step towards understanding how the Internet of Things (IoT) influences PLM on a firm level.
The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) will take place in a virtual form from August 9-13, 2021.
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