News Detail:
Mon, 20. Nov 2023 Korn, Falco
Call for Papers: 16th Science Forum Mobility on June 13th, 2024
Every year since 2009, the Science Forum on Mobility at the University of Duisburg-Essen has offered an opportunity for intensive discussion of research work on mobility, which continues to develop dynamically and addresses a wide range of interdisciplinary topics. We are pleased to invite you to the 16th Science Forum Mobility on June 13th, 2024.
After the 15th Science Forum 2023 discussed how the implementation of new mobility concepts can succeed and be strengthened by regulations, the 16th Science Forum on Mobility will focus on the opportunities and challenges posed by increasing competition from (international) technology and software companies as well as providers of shared and networked mobility under the general topic of "New Players in Mobility".
The organizers are looking forward to contributions to the five tracks
- (New Players in) Mobility Management,
- Mobility Engineering,
- Urban Mobility,
- IT for Mobility and
- Mobility Business Management
Interested authors can submit an abstract of their paper (max. 250 words) via the submission portal on the Science Forum website until January 31th, 2024. All accepted contributions can be published as a paper in a conference volume (SpringerGabler-Verlag, Wiesbaden). For further information on the tracks, the submission portal, timetable and the Science Forum in general, please see the attached documents.
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