

Current Announcements

 Fri, 28. Mar 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Vacant master thesis: An energy utility capability map - The missing link in the unbundled energy market

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management is currently offering a master thesis topic to develop a capability heat map for the energy sector within the framework of a study. The study aims at assessing these...
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 Thu, 06. Mar 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Executive research summary (ERS) on Cloud Computing available

Our Chair has recently published its second executive research summary (ERS). In this ERS, we summarize our findings of a research project on Cloud Computing for SMEs. It describes the chances and risks of “moving into the Cloud”....
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 Thu, 06. Mar 2014   Jendrian, Simon

IIS4Energy information event on 19 May 2014 for energy supplier and public utility companies

The industry network Innovative Information Systems for the Energy Sector (IIS4Energy), which is led by the universities of Mannheim and Duisburg-Essen, invites al interested energy supply companies, network operators, and public...
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 Fri, 28. Feb 2014   Jendrian, Simon

First executive research summary (ERS) on “Bring Your Own Device” published

The SITM chair’s first executive research summary (ERS) on the topic of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been published and is available online. Our executive research summaries present selected, condensed research results to...
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 Sat, 22. Feb 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Paper accepted for JIT special issue

The paper “Business Value through Controlled IT: Toward an Integrated Model of IT Governance Success and its Impact” by Arne Buchwald, Prof. Nils Urbach, and Prof. Frederik Ahlemann was accepted for a special issue of the Journal...
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 Wed, 19. Feb 2014   Jendrian, Simon

“IT Consulting” course highly rated by students

The evaluation of the “IT Consulting” course, presented by Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, has been released. In summary, the lecture was rated highly by the participants. When asked about the learning effect, over 50% of the...
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 Fri, 07. Feb 2014   Jendrian, Simon

“Organizational Behavior and Change Management” evaluated highly

The evaluation of “Organizational Behavior and Change Management,” which Prof. Frederik Ahlemann presented, has been released. Overall, the lecture was very well received. A total of 50% of the students gave the lecture the best...
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 Fri, 24. Jan 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Nomination for best paper at the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

The paper “Managing the Achievement of Strategic Organizational Goals through Projects: Understanding the Role of Management Practices” written by Dr. Kunal Mohan and Prof. Frederik Ahlemann was nominated for the best paper award...
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 Wed, 22. Jan 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Frederik Ahlemann held a presentation on the Use of Project Management Methodologies at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2013 in Milan

On December 18, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann held a successful presentation on the paper "Committed Use of Project Management Methodologies: Understanding the Role of Costs, Benefits, and Psychological Needs," authored by Dr. Kunal...
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 Fri, 17. Jan 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Guest lectures on IS/IT management and Change Management on January 22 and 29

We are proud to announce two guest lectures to be held by experienced consultants in January: 1) January 22, 2014:10 am (c. t.) in room R11 D00 T03 Dr. Marcel Mlakar, excientes Management Consulting GmbH: “Change Management...
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 Sat, 11. Jan 2014   Jendrian, Simon

Successful launch of SITM's executive education program

On October 28 and 29th 2013, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Dr. Andreas Drechsler of SITM held a two-day executive education workshop about Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) with the EAM unit of METRO SYSTEMS GmbH. They...
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 Fri, 13. Dec 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Project Organisation and Management

The paper, “Realizing value from projects: A performance based analysis of determinants of successful realization of project benefits,” by Dr. Kunal Mohan, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann, and Dr. Jessica Braun was accepted for...
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Currently showing 385 to 396 out of 436