Current Announcements
Wed, 13. Aug 2014 Hoppe, Gina
DU-IT cooperates with SITM chair
As of May 2014 the DU-IT (the IT service provider of the municipality of Duisburg and the DVV group) and the SITM chair have collaborated on a joint project. The project was set up to improve the management and steering of IT...
read onWed, 16. Jul 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the PMO Days 2014 titled “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion”
On July 1, Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the Project Management Office (PMO) Days 2014 titled “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion”. The...
read onTue, 08. Jul 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Florian Hesselmann honored at Dies Academicus
On Wednesday, June 25, Florian Hesselmann was honored at the Dies Academicus event for his master thesis “Towards Effective Implementations of Benefits Management – A Design Theory,” which was also successfully published at the...
read onSat, 05. Jul 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Students rate “Strategic Planning of IS” course highly
The evaluation of the “Strategic Planning of IS” course, presented by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann has been disclosed. When questioned about the lecture’s learning effect, nearly 40% of the students gave the lecture the best possible...
read onWed, 02. Jul 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Prof. Ahlemann appointed to the advisory board of the Institute for Information Technology at Volkswagen
Prof. Ahlemann has accepted an invitation to serve on the advisory board of the Institute for Information Technology at Volkswagen. He will contribute his expertise in strategic IT management. The Institute for Information...
read onSat, 28. Jun 2014 Hoppe, Gina
“CIO Handbuch 2014/15” released
The "CIO Handbuch 2014/15" has been released and is now available on Symposion Publishing’s website (see link below). Dr. Andreas Drechsler and Prof. Frederik Ahlemann contributed to the book with their chapter on “IT project...
read onTue, 24. Jun 2014 Hoppe, Gina
DAAD offers an internship in New York City for 6 months
The DAAD New York office offers a high-level internship in network administration. They seek information technologies majors, or graduate students near the end of their studies. The internship is in New York City in a Windows...
read onTue, 17. Jun 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Guest lecture on Service Level Agreements and Reporting Instruments by Campana & Schott on June 4
Sven Kreimendahl (Campana & Schott) held a guest lecture in German in the course of the IT Controlling lecture of 4 June. Mr. Kreimendahl has worked as a management consultant on international projects for several years. He...
read onSat, 14. Jun 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Paper nominated for DESRIST 2014 Best Paper Award
We are proud to announce that the paper “What kind of artifacts are we designing? An analysis of artifact types and artifact relevance in IS journal publications” by Dr. Andreas Drechsler and Philipp Dörr has been nominated for a...
read onWed, 28. May 2014 Hoppe, Gina
Collaboration between RWE IT and SITM
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management supported the RWE Group's IT Governance department in a project lasting several months. The goal was to transfer new research results to practice. The project was set...
read onTue, 13. May 2014 Jendrian, Simon
Prof. Ahlemann gave a presentation at the Leipzig conference on “Facharchitektur in Banken”
On May 5 and 6, Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the Leipzig conference on “Facharchitektur in Banken.” The conference dealt with IT architecture in financial institutions. Implementing a successful IT architecture in this...
read onMon, 12. May 2014 Jendrian, Simon
SITM chair joins the paluno Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
Recently, the SITM chair became a member of the paluno Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. The aim of the Institute, which comprises eight professors and over 70 research assistants from the information systems and computer...
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