

Current Announcements

 Thu, 11. Dec 2014   Hoppe, Gina

IS:link at the 2014 International Office Outgoing Fair

On October 29, 2014, IS:link participated in the first International Office Outgoing Fair at the University in Essen (“Studieren & mehr im Ausland! Messe für Auslandsaufenthalte”). The goal of the event was to promote studies...
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 Mon, 01. Dec 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Papers accepted for the Wirtschaftsinformatik conference (WI) 2015 in Osnabrück

We are proud to announce that the following papers were accepted for the 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik in Osnabrück, Germany: Sven Dittes, Nils Urbach, Frederik Ahlemann, Stefan Smolnik, Thomas Müller: “...
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 Mon, 01. Dec 2014   Hoppe, Gina

ECIS track chaired by Dr. Mohan affiliated with BISE Journal

Dr. Kunal Mohan will serve as the chair of the “Methods, Tools and Human Factors in IS/IT Management” track at ECIS 2015 to be held in Münster. The track aims at providing a forum for conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented...
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 Tue, 18. Nov 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Four student assistant positions at the SITM chair

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers four student assistant jobs with the following responsibilities: ·         Supporting the IS:link project (9 hours/week, two vacant positions) ·         Support...
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 Wed, 05. Nov 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Prof. Ahlemann will hold a presentation at the Softwareforen-Konferenz in Leipzig

On March 5 and 6, 2015, Prof. Ahlemann will hold a presentation on “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion“ at the Softwareforen-Konferenz in Leipzig. The...
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 Wed, 05. Nov 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Track proposal “Advancing theories and theorizing in IS research” has been accepted for ECIS 2015

Recently, the track proposal “Advancing theories and theorizing in IS research” has been accepted for the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) 2015. Prof. Ahlemann is one of the track’s associate editors. The track...
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 Mon, 27. Oct 2014   Hoppe, Gina

DVV offers an 18-month IT trainee program for January 2015

The DVV (Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH) offers an 18-month IT trainee program for their sub company DU-IT in January 2015. Besides the opportunity to work independently on project-related tasks and being...
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 Wed, 22. Oct 2014   Hoppe, Gina

The track proposal “IT Consulting as a Change Agent” has been accepted for AMCIS 2015

Dr. Andreas Drechsler is one of the chairs of the new mini-track “IT Consulting as a Change Agent” for AMCIS 2015 in Puerto Rico. The track aims at providing a forum for conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented advances in IT...
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 Wed, 22. Oct 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Andreas Drechsler presented keynote address on agile project management

On September 11, 2014, Dr. Andreas Drechsler of SITM delivered the keynote address at this year’s “Expertentagung COMPACT Focus > Agiles Projektmanagement” (COMPACT focus expert conference on agile project management). His...
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 Wed, 24. Sept 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Lecture “IT-Projektmanagement” to be held in blended learning format in 2015 summer term

Currently, the SITM chair is revising the teaching concept for its bachelor lecture “IT-Projektmanagement.” A new blended learning concept will improve the teaching and learning conditions for all the participants. In short,...
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 Thu, 11. Sept 2014   Hoppe, Gina

SITM conducted study on effective portfolio governance with Lufthansa AirPlus

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management collaborated with Lufthansa AirPlus on a study to determine the principles of effective project portfolio governance. Project portfolio governance refers to standardized...
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 Tue, 26. Aug 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Article published in Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management

The article "Standardisierung der Unternehmens-IT – Der weite Weg vom Lippenbekenntnis zu nachhaltigem Nutzen" by Sven Dittes, Prof. Nils Urbach, and Prof. Frederik Ahlemann has been published in Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management...
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Currently showing 349 to 360 out of 436