News Detail:
Wed, 21. Mar 2018 Hoffmann, David
SITM makes Duisburg smarter
We are very proud to announce that the chair of Information Systems and strategic IT Management is part of the Duisburg smart city project. It is our goal to provide innovative ideas and guidance that help Duisburg become a role model for other cities. By converting Duisburg into a smart city, the economic efficiency of Duisburg will be improved and the quality of life will be increased. This will be pursued by for example establishing a free city-wide Wi-Fi network, optimizing the public transport and introducing an e-Government solution that makes visits to the authorities easier. We are part of a team consisting of international technology corporations as well as local and municipal companies that work together to make the city more attractive for investors, citizens and the economy. Since Smart City is a project with a lot of innovative potential, not only the local but also the nationwide press (Welt am Sonntag) has covered the topic: The articles can be retrieved under the following links: Because of the cooperation between the University of Duisburg-Essen and the city of Duisburg, results from research could be applied to practice. We have supported the city by helping them to develop a digital masterplan that contains not only a schedule but also the course of action and a milestone concept.
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