
News Detail:

 Mon, 08. Jan 2024   Korn, Falco

Helge Alsdorf successfully passed his dissertation disputation

We are happy to announce that on December 21st, 2023, Helge Alsdorf successfully finished the disputation of his dissertation "Digitally-Enabled Corporate Sustainability Transformation - Case and Context for Green IT and Green IS".

Mr. Alsdorf decicated his research to the academic discourse by adding conceptual clarity to the Green IT/IS concepts and their adoption determinants, means, and outcomes. Corporate decision-makers also benefit from this improved understanding, as it gives them a clearer picture of the factors that need to be considered in initializing or advancing their organization’s digitally-enabled sustainability transformation. 

As a chair, we want to sincerely congratulate Helge Alsdorf and wish him success in all of his future professional pursuits.