News Detail:
Tue, 22. Oct 2019 Khodijah, Anna Yuliarti
Excellent results for the course in “Strategic Planning of IS,” Summer Semester 2019
We are happy to announce the excellent feedback we received on the “Strategic Planning of IS” (“SPIS”) course presented in the 2019 summer semester.
The participating students were Master’s degree students studying Information Systems and Applied Computer Science.
The course prepares the students for typical IT-related tasks in a business. The latter include line management positions in industries with high IT penetration, management functions within corporate IT departments, or positions as technology-oriented management consultants. Additionally, the course includes aspects of digitization such as the development of innovative business models.
The course is made up of two parts: first, there is a lecture session, presented by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann, covering all relevant concepts, and second, tutorial sessions that are led by Anna Khodijah, M.Sc., during which the students discuss seminal papers and apply the previously introduced concepts and methods in analyzing a case study and presenting their findings.
Through the course evaluation, it became apparent that the students were very satisfied with the lecture and the tutorial sessions (the lecture received a score of 2.0 and the tutorial 1.6 on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0 in which 1.0 represented the best possible result).
The participating students’ overall grade averaged 2.3, with 40% of them achieving a grade of 1.7 or higher.
We look forward to welcoming a new group of students in the next SPIS session, in the 2020 summer semester.
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