News Detail:
Fri, 16. Aug 2024 Korn, Falco
10th RUHR Symposium: Keynote by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann on Artificial Intelligence
On October 10th, 2024, the 10th RUHR Symposium on “Artificial Intelligence for Functional Materials” will take place at the Fraunhofer inHaus Center, Campus Duisburg. This symposium offers a unique opportunity to deepen collaboration between research and industry while exchanging innovative ideas in the field of functional materials.
Prof. Ahlemann will deliver a keynote and share insights into the latest developments as well as future trends in AI. In addition to Prof. Ahlemann’s keynote, the symposium will feature presentations by experts from academia and industry, including representatives from TU Darmstadt, Humboldt University Berlin, and Evonik. The talks are organized into four thematic sessions: Data Storage, Materials Informatics, Materials Processes from Automation to Autonomy, and Lifetime Prediction/Digital Twin.
The program will also include a poster session where early career researchers can showcase their current projects. This session provides an excellent opportunity for networking and in-depth discussions with experts.
Researchers are encouraged to register by September 23, 2024. For more details and the full program, please visit the official RUHR Symposium website.
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