Current Announcements
Current Announcements
Mon, 12. Jul 2021 Jagals, Marvin
Paper accepted for DESRIST 2021 conference
We are happy to announce that the paper “Is Trust Shapeable? Design Requirements for Governing Sharing Networks” was accepted as a research-in-progress paper for presentation and publication at the 16th International Conference on...
read onMon, 21. Jun 2021 Karger, Erik
Prof. Ahlemann was panel discussion participant at Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann was an invited participant of the panel discussion that took place at the Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität this year. Furthermore, he was responsible for hosting track 4 on “Accelerating Mobility...
read onThu, 10. Jun 2021 Karger, Erik
Job offer for research aide position at the SITM chair
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management is searching for a research aide in the field of accompanying an executive of a regional utility company in the design and implementation of a digital innovation and...
read onMon, 31. May 2021 Khodijah, Anna
City of Duisburg and the SITM chair successfully finish the project "Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Einsatzes der mobilen Arbeit in der Stadtverwaltung Duisburg".
Since the beginning of 2019, the city of Duisburg has been implementing flexible working ("mobile working") as part of the city’s digitalization initiatives. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, this mobile working has become...
read onWed, 26. May 2021 Schkolski, Alexandar
Publication of a paper in the new anthology “Neue Algorithmen für praktische Probleme”
We are proud to announce that the article “Rekonstruktion der US-Wahlergebnisse 2016: Modellierung und Simulation der Prognosen “(Reconstruction of the 2016 U.S. Election Results: Modeling and Simulation of the Forecasts) was...
read onMon, 10. May 2021 Khodijah, Anna
Excellent evaluation results for the course “Organizational Behavior (Blended-Learning)” in the winter semester 2020/2021
We are happy to announce the excellent feedback we received on the “Organizational Behavior” (“OB”) course held in the 2020/2021 winter semester. The participating students were Bachelor degree students studying Information...
read onMon, 10. May 2021 Brandt, Niklas
SITM paper accepted for the 27th American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Internet of Things in Product Lifecycle Management – A Review on Value Creation through Product Status Data” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the Americas Conference...
read onWed, 28. Apr 2021 Jagals, Marvin
SITM paper accepted for the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Inter-Organizational Data Governance: A Literature Review” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021). The paper was...
read onMon, 26. Apr 2021 Karger, Erik
Virtual job fair ConPract will take place on May 5, 2021
On May 5, 2021, the virtual job fair ConPract will take place, organized by the University of Duisburg-Essen. In cooperation with the talentefinder platform, more than 170 open jobs for students during and after their studies...
read onWed, 21. Apr 2021 Karger, Erik
Publication of a paper in the new anthology “Neue Algorithmen für praktische Probleme”
We are proud to announce that the article “Manipulierbare KI – Ein unüberwindbares Hindernis für die Sicherheit autonomer Fahrzeuge?“ (Manipulable AI - An insurmountable obstacle to the safety of autonomous vehicles?) was...
read onThu, 15. Apr 2021 Bergan, Peder
New Smart City workshop series in the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center (SCDIC) will be conducted by SITM chair
In cooperation with the SITM chair, the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center (SCDIC) organizes several workshops on the topic of Smart City. Due to its expertise, the SITM chair plays a central role for the design and conduction...
read onThu, 25. Mar 2021 Karger, Erik
Publication of a paper in the new anthology “Neue Algorithmen für praktische Probleme"
We are proud to announce that the article “Meinungsprognosen mithilfe von sozialen Netzwerken – künstliche Intelligenz als neues Instrument zur Wahlprognose“ (Opinion predictions with the help of social networks - artificial...
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