Current Announcements
Current Announcements
Mon, 18. Oct 2021 Jagals, Marvin
SITM paper accepted for the 14th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM)
We are happy to announce that the paper “Expanding Data Governance Across Company Boundaries – An Inter-Organizational Perspective of Roles and Responsibilities” has been accepted for presentation at the 14th IFIP WG 8.1 Working...
read onFri, 15. Oct 2021 Karger, Erik
Applications open – Four new professorships will be formed in the field of Information Systems in Essen
We would like to draw your attention on four job advertisements at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Here, four new professorships (Bes.-Gr. W 3 LBesO W) will be created at the Essen location next year in the field of...
read onWed, 13. Oct 2021 Jagals, Marvin
Paper “Self-Service Business Intelligence - Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsempfehlungen auf Managementebene” is accepted by the journal Controlling – Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung
We are pleased to announce that the publication “Self-Service Business Intelligence - Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsempfehlungen auf Managementebene” written by Marvin Jagals, Erik Karger, and Marco Boehle has been accepted for...
read onWed, 13. Oct 2021 Karger, Erik
Paper “Already grown-up or still in puberty? A Bibliometric Review of 16 Years of Data Governance Research” is accepted by the Corporate Ownership and Control journal
We are pleased to announce that the article “Already grown-up or still in puberty? A Bibliometric Review of 16 Years of Data Governance Research” written by Marvin Jagals, Erik Karger, and Frederik Ahlemann has been accepted for...
read onMon, 11. Oct 2021 Karger, Erik
Two Research Papers accepted at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021
We are proud to announce that two submissions of the SITM chair were accepted for publication at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021. The paper “Enhancing Inter-Organizational Data Governance...
read onWed, 15. Sept 2021 Karger, Erik
Ideas Competition of the Center for Start-ups and Innopreneurship at the University of Duisburg-Essen
The Center for Start-ups and Innopreneurship (GUIDE) invites all members of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University Hospital Essen to participate in the GUIDE Ideas Competition 2021. This year, innovative and...
read onWed, 15. Sept 2021 Khodijah, Anna
Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has one student assistant positions vacant. The position includes the following activities: Support of administrative chair activities Developing, creating and...
read onMon, 13. Sept 2021 Bergan, Peder
SITM paper accepted for the International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2021)
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Toward Smart City Architecture Principles: A Cornerstone in the Case of Smart City Duisburg” has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Electronic Government...
read onTue, 31. Aug 2021 Karger, Erik
Job offer for research aide position at the SITM chair
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management is searching for a research aide in the field of accompanying an executive of a regional utility company in the design and implementation of a digital innovation and...
read onThu, 19. Aug 2021 Alsdorf, Helge
Vacant master thesis seeks to investigate how agile forms of work can be introduced in a municipal enterprise
Modern forms of work seem fundamentally different to traditional structures. While the later feature strict hierarchies with highly bureaucratic processes and pre-defined areas of responsibility, modern forms often rely on small,...
read onTue, 27. Jul 2021 Karger, Erik
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann and Erik Karger present study results at Future IT Talk
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann and Erik Karger from the SITM chair participated in the webinar Future IT Talk on 21.07.2021. Together with experts from Campana & Schott, the first findings of the Future IT Report 2021 were presented...
read onTue, 20. Jul 2021 Khodijah, Anna
Tutor position (m/w/d) vacant at the SITM chair (Soft skills, 3 credits)
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2021/22 winter term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...
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