Current Announcements
Current Announcements
Sun, 13. Aug 2017 Hoffmann, David
Three Job offers for student assistant positions at the SITM chair (application deadline extended)
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has three student assistant position vacant. The student assistant supports research projects and educational tasks at the chair. You can choose to work from between 9...
read onWed, 09. Aug 2017 Hoffmann, David
Tutor positions vacant at the SITM chair (soft skills, 3 credits)
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2017/18 winter term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...
read onMon, 07. Aug 2017 Hoffmann, David
Call for papers for the track “Strategisches IT-Management” at the MKWI conference
Call for papers for the track “Strategisches IT-Management” at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) conference in 2018. This conference track will be led by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann, Prof. Nils Urbach, and Prof....
read onWed, 02. Aug 2017 Hoffmann, David
Article published in Business & Information Systems Engineering
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Nils Urbach and Prof. Frederik Ahlemann contributed a discussion section to the article “Digitalization: Opportunity and Challenge for the Business and Information Systems Engineering...
read onMon, 31. Jul 2017 Hoffmann, David
Two Available Bachelor’s Degree Theses Topics in the Field of Digital Enterprise Transformation & IT Management
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (SITM) is looking for two bachelor’s students who are planning to write their final thesis in the field of digital enterprise transformation in the near future. The...
read onMon, 26. Jun 2017 Hoffmann, David
Exchange network IS:link searches for student assistant (9h / week)
An increasing number of Information Systems students use IS:link, the Information Systems exchange network, to spend a semester abroad. To continue to provide an excellent support service, we are looking for a student with high...
read onTue, 20. Jun 2017 Hoffmann, David
Guest lecture by Mr. Joe Cooper on Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) on July 21, 2017
We are proud to announce that Mr. Joe Cooper from the USA will give a guest lecture, titled “Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)” on July 21, 2017, followed by a group exercise and discussion. The lecture will provide a...
read onWed, 14. Jun 2017 Hoffmann, David
SITM paper presented by David Hoffmann at 25th European Conference on Information System (ECIS)
The paper “Balancing Alignment, Adaptivity, and Effectiveness: Design Principles for Sustainable IT Project Portfolio Management” written by David Hoffmann, Thomas Müller, and Frederik Ahlemann was presented by David Hoffmann at...
read onWed, 14. Jun 2017 Hoffmann, David
Keynote Speech at the 8th PM Symposium 2017 held by Prof. Ahlemann
We are proud to announce that Prof. Frederik Ahlemann held the keynote speech on “Projektmanagement im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung – Rahmenbedingungen, neue Techniken, Softwareunterstützung” [Project Management in the Digital...
read onMon, 29. May 2017 Hoffmann, David
Conference track “Strategisches IT-Management” accepted for the MKWI 2018
We are proud to announce that Profs. Frederik Ahlemann, Nils Urbach, and Reinhard Schütte’s proposal "Strategisches IT-Management" (strategic IT management) was accepted as a conference track for the Multikonferenz...
read onMon, 29. May 2017 Hoffmann, David
Guest lecture: Cloud Computing and Modern Enterprise Architecture on Tues, 27 June 2017
We are very pleased to announce that Gregor Püttmann, director at tecRacer, will hold a guest lecture on cloud computing and modern enterprise architecture. He will illustrate his points with examples from Amazon Web Services,...
read onMon, 29. May 2017 Hoffmann, David
Guest lecture: The Introduction of Agile Project Management in a Conservative Business Area Tues, 27 June 2017
We are very pleased to announce that Jörg Parsenow, IT Supervisor at Ford Motor Company, will hold a guest lecture on the introduction of agile PM in a conservative business area. He will show how agile project management has been...
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