

Current Announcements

 Di., 16. Juli 2013   Cleve, Nicolai

Paper on Process Benchmarking successfully published in Benchmarking: An International Journal

We are happy to announce that the paper “Semantic Process Benchmarking to Improve Process Performance” by Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, Martin Kluth, Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik was successfully released...

 Di., 16. Juli 2013   Cleve, Nicolai

Paper on Acceptance of Information System Methodologies accepted by the International Journal of Information Management

We are proud to announce that the paper “Understanding Acceptance of Information System Development and Management Methodologies by Actual Users: A Review and Assessment of Existing Literature” authored by Kunal Mohan and Frederik...

 Di., 02. Juli 2013   Cleve, Nicolai

Guest lecture by Claus Boche on July 3rd – Insights into a Large IT Project

In the next session of the course Project Management on Wednesday, July 3rd, Claus Boche, an experienced project manager and consultant, will give a guest lecture on the specialties of large IT projects. He will report on his...

 Mo., 01. Juli 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Guest lecture on Service Level Agreements and reporting instruments by Campana & Schott on July 10th

We are pleased to announce a guest lecture by Sven Kreimendahl (Campana & Schott) in the course of our IT Controlling lecture. Mr. Kreimendahl who has worked as a management consultant in international projects for several years,...

 Fr., 28. Juni 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Guest lecture on "Social Media Governance" by PricewaterhouseCoopers on July 3rd

In the course of the "IT-Controlling" lecture, Stefan Buers (PwC) holds a guest lecture under the title “Social Media Governance - Die Analyse und Steuerung von Risiken in einer digitalen Welt”. Stefan Buers, who has worked...

 Mo., 24. Juni 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Guest lecture on "Implementation of an Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) Tool" by DEVK on June 25th

We are pleased to announce a guest lecture by Michael Bach (DEVK) on the implementation of an EAM tool. On June 25th he will shed light on the practical perspective of EAM by elaborating on aspects as stakeholder analysis,...

 Mi., 19. Juni 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Three job offers as student assistant positions at the SITM chair

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers three jobs as student assistants with the following responsibilities: Supporting the IS:link project (9h a week)Supporting general chair tasks and research...

 Mi., 29. Mai 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Announcement regarding the special exam IT Management and IT Controlling in summer term 2013 and its transition (Update)

The Application for the special exam “IT Management and IT Controlling” (6 ECTS) of Prof. Ahlemann starts on June 10th 2013 and ends on June 14th 2013. Please consider that the exam might be named “IT-Management (6 ECTS)” in the...

 Mo., 27. Mai 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Guest lecture on “Strategic Governance of Information Technology” by Jochen Hagen on May 28th

We are pleased to announce a guest lecture byJochen Hagen on “Strategic Governance of Information Technology” on May 28th. He will present his doctoral thesis elaborating on the shortcoming of existing governance models and the...

 Mi., 08. Mai 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Paper on Benefits Management accepted at the ECIS 2013 conference in Utrecht

We are happy to announce that the paper “Exploiting IS/IT Projects’ Potential – Towards a Design Theory for Benefits Management” was accepted at the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) 2013 in Utrecht. It is authored...

 Mo., 29. Apr. 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

SITM co-charing “Adoption, Use and Success of Artefacts in IS” track at the MKWI 2014

Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann is co-chairing a track at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2014 in Paderborn. The track’s topic is “Adoption, Use and Success in WI”. Other chairs are Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik and Dr....

 Do., 04. Apr. 2013   Hesselmann, Florian

Announcement of IS project in summer term 2013

The project will cover the topic "Managment of Cloud Computing in Small and Medium-sized Companies". Interested students may find further information here.

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