News Detail:
Fr., 20. Sept. 2013 Jendrian, Simon
Prof. Dr. Ahlemann gave a presentation at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig
Frederik Ahlemann was invited to speak at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig on September 11 and 12, 2013. Most insurance companies have realized the importance of managing their business architecture. Some have already progressed relatively far in implementing a business architecture, while others are just getting started. The conference showed examples of how companies approach the task and which similarities and differences exist. For more details please visit the conference website.
The Power of Habits for Academic Success: Frederik Ahlemann at UB|Schreibcamp04.02.25
- Vacant master thesis seeks to investigate and assess how municipal enterprises’ innovation culture influences the effectiveness of digital innovation activity18.04.23
- One student project offered by the SITM chair in SS2323.03.23
- Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Information Systems Research” in the winter semester of 2022/202316.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide03.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant12.01.23
BAS/ditlab/SITM Research Colloquium in Frankfurt25.11.22
- Call for Papers: 15th Science Forum Mobility on May 11th, 202315.11.22
Kick-off for IS Projects and the Co-Creation Lab Digital10.11.22
Experience historical flair, modern technology and start-up vibe at the Co-Creation Lab - Digital in Duisburg31.10.22