News Detail:
Fr., 03. Feb. 2023 Schütz, Sabrina
Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide
The Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management has two vacancies for research aides (with completed B.Sc. or equivalent) in the GUIDE Co-Creation Lab – Digital in Duisburg. The Co-Creation Lab – Digital is located in the beautiful historic Dahlbender Villa on the Haniel-Campus in Duisburg-Ruhrort and provides co-working space for UDE student founders. It is also a place for small events related to business start-ups - primarily (but not exclusively) for digital business ideas.
These tasks are to be expected:
- active contribution to the operation of the GUIDE Co-Creation Lab
- support of organisation and realisation of meetings and events
- assistance on the continued further development of the Co-Creation Lab for UDE founder teams – in close cooperation with organisations and companies from the UDE start-up network
- developing and creating information material as well as management of the relevant channels of social media
We expect you to have a university bachelor degree and a good knowledge of German and English language (written and spoken). You should be reliable, diligent, committed, and flexible.
Your workplace will mainly be in the Co-Creation Lab – Digital in Duisburg-Ruhrort, but you should be willing to travel in the Essen – Duisburg area from time to time.
The work will be for about 15 hours / week and the contract duration will be for 6 months, but can optionally be extended. The application deadline is 28th February 2023.
If you are interested, please send your complete job application (including your CV, a current enrolment receipt and a current transcript of records) to Herr Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 45117 Essen; e-mail:
For further information see the attached job advertisement in German.
- Dateien:
- WHF_WIWI_GUIDEPLUS_2023_rev2.pdf
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