Winter Semester 24/25

Academic Writing and Reviewing (MSc)
- Lecturer:
- Alexandar Schkolski, M.Sc.
- Contact:
- Term:
- Winter Semester 2024/2025
- Cycle:
- Wintersemester
- Time:
- Di. 14:15-15:45
- Room:
- R09 R04 H02
- Start:
- 15.10.2024
- End:
- 28.01.2025
- Language:
- English
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
In this course students will further develop their scientific skills. Based on the lecture IS Research, students will discuss seminal IS papers, design and conduct a small survey project, and finally draft their own scientific manuscripts.
Learning Targets:
- are able to conduct a scientific discussion,
- know the tools to do an appropriate review of a given scientific paper,
- are able to critically assess and review a given scientific paper,
- are able to plan and execute a research project,
- and are able to organize and develop own scientific manuscripts.
- Literature Review: Introduction, Reading-Based Discussion
- Case Study: Introduction, Reading-Based Discussion
- Survey: Introduction, Reading-Based Discussion
- Writing reviews of scientific papers
- Developing scientific papers
- Bhattacherjee, A. 2012. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, (2. ed.). Tampa, FL, USA: Global Text Project.
- Boudreau, M.-C., Gefen, D., and Straub, D.W. 2001. "Validation in Information Systems Research: A State-of-the-Art Assessment," MIS Quarterly (25:1), pp. 1-16.
- Dubé, L., and Paré, G. 2003. "Rigor in Information Systems Positivist Case Research: Current Practices, Trends, and Recommendations," MIS Quarterly (27:4), pp. 597-635.
- Eisenhardt, K.M. 1989. "Building Theories from Case Study Research," Academy of Management Review (14:4), pp. 532-550.
- Gibbert, M., Ruigrok, W., and Wicki, B. 2008. "What Passes as a Rigorous Case Study?," Strategic Management Journal (29:13), pp. 1465-1474.
- Gregor, S. 2006. "The Nature of Theory in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly (30:3), pp. 611-642.
- Hsieh, J.J.P.-A., Rai, A., and Keil, M. 2008. "Understanding Digital Inequality: Comparing Continued Use Behavioral Models of the Socio-Economically Advantaged and Disadvantaged," MIS Quarterly (32:1), pp. 97-126.
- Klein, H.K., and Myers, M.D. 1999. "A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly (23:1), pp. 67-93.
- Lapointe, L., and Rivard, S. 2007. "A Triple Take on Information System Implementation," Organization Science (18:1), pp. 89-107.
- Lee, G., and Xia, W. 2010. "Toward Agile: An Integrated Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Field Data on Software Development Agility," MIS Quarterly (34:1), pp. 87-114.
- Leidner, D.E., and Kayworth, T. 2006. "Review: A Review of Culture in Information Systems Research: Toward a Theory of Information Technology Culture Conflict," MIS Quarterly (30:2), pp. 357-399.
- Levina, N., and Vaast, E. 2008. "Innovating or Doing as Told? Status Differences and Overlapping Boundaries in Offshore Collaboration," MIS Quarterly (32:2), pp. 307-332.
- Piccoli, G., and Ives, B. 2005. "IT-Dependent Strategic Initiatives and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature," MIS Quarterly (29:4), pp. 747-776.
- Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L. 1993. "Survey Research Methodology in Management Information Systems: An Assessment," Journal of Management Information Systems (10:2), pp. 75-105.
- Straub, D., Boudreau, M.-C., and Gefen, D. 2004. "Validation Guidelines for IS Positivist Research," Communications of the Association for Information Systems (13:24), pp. 380-427.
- Urbach, N., Smolnik, S., and Riempp, G. 2009. "The State of Research on Information Systems Success," Business & Information Systems Engineering (1:4), pp. 315-325.
- Wagner, E.L., Newell, S., and Piccoli, G. 2010. "Understanding Project Survival in an Es Environment: A Sociomaterial Practice Perspective," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (11:5), pp. 276-297.
- Wallace, L., Keil, M., and Rai, A. 2004. "How Software Project Risk Affects Project Performance: An Investigation of the Dimensions of Risk and an Exploratory Model," Decision Sciences (35:2), pp. 289-321.
- Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. 2021. "A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)". Sage publications
Methods of Assessment:
Submission of a research proposal consisting of an extended abstract and a paper outline (3-4 pages)
Students have to prepare for sessions by reading and summarizing selected seminal papers which provide deeper insights into methods and theories of IS research or exemplars thereof. Moreover, optional readings are provided for each session to facilitate students’ learning experience and to help deepen and extend the topics discussed in class. At the end an own reviews and papers will be written by the students, based on the methods discussed in the module.