

Current Announcements

 So., 18. Okt. 2020   Bergan, Peder

Opening of the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center

The City of Duisburg took an important step on its way to becoming a Smart City when it launched the Innovation Center as a virtual think tank in 2018. Currently called the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center (SCDIC), its...

 Fr., 09. Okt. 2020   Khodijah, Anna

Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has one student assistant positions vacant. The position includes the following activities:  Support of administrative chair activities  Developing, creating...

 Mo., 05. Okt. 2020   Karger, Erik

Completed Research Paper accepted at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020

We are proud to announce that the paper "Combining Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence – Literature Review and State of the Art" authored by Erik Karger was accepted for publication at the International Conference on...

 Mo., 07. Sept. 2020   Karger, Erik

Tutor position (m/w/d) vacant at the SITM chair (Soft skills, 3 credits)

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2020/21 winter term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...

 Mi., 26. Aug. 2020   Schmermbeck, Helge

IS Project (Master) aims to develop a green tips app for mobile devices

The global climate disruption’s effects have become increasingly imminent. Ocean and atmospheric temperatures are constantly increasing, causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise. This not only endangers coastal areas, but –...

 Di., 14. Juli 2020   Khodijah, Anna

Excellent evaluation results for the course “Organizational Behavior (Blended-Learning)” in the winter semester 2019/2020

We are happy to announce the excellent feedback we received on the “Organizational Behavior” (“OB”) course held in the 2019/2020 winter semester.  The participating students were Bachelor’s degree students studying Information...

 Mi., 01. Juli 2020   Franz, Ruben

Available Master’s Degree Theses Topics: Empirical Investigations in the Field of Digital Enterprise Transformation & IT Management

Master students, who are about to write their final thesis in the near future, may be interested to know that the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management currently offers master theses. The Chair of Information...

 Mo., 18. Mai 2020   Karger, Erik

SITM paper accepted for the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

We are thrilled to announce that the paper “How do you drive? Analyzing vehicle sensor data in Product Lifecycle Management” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the European Conference on Information Systems...

 Mi., 13. Mai 2020   Bergan, Peder

SITM chair offers a master thesis on Smart City architecture principles

Master students, who are about to write their final thesis in the near future may be interested to know that the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers a thesis on Smart City architecture principles. Deve...

 Di., 12. Mai 2020   Bergan, Peder

SITM chair offers an IS Project (Master) on Smart City architecture principles

Master students who are looking for an interesting topic for their IS Project may be interested to know that the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers an IS Project on Smart City architecture principles. ...

 Mo., 04. Mai 2020   Khodijah, Anna

Good evaluation results for the “WI seminar” in the winter semester 2019/2020

We are happy to announce the excellent feedback we received for the “WI seminar” held in the 2019/2020 winter semester. The majority of participating students were at the end of their Information Systems studies for either a...

 Do., 23. Apr. 2020   Karger, Erik

Two student projects offered by the SITM chair

For bachelor and master students, who want to carry out a study project, the SITM Chair offers two study projects this semester. Further information can be found in the project descriptions. Interested students are invited to...

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