Current Announcements
Do., 01. Sept. 2022 Khodijah, Anna
Tutor position (m/w/d) vacant at the SITM chair (Soft skills, 3 credits)
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2022/23 winter term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...
weiterlesenFr., 05. Aug. 2022 Karger, Erik
Farewell to several team members
It is with regret that we have to announce that four long-time team members will leave us in August or have already left. Helge Alsdorf, a member of the team for almost five and a half years, will move to Wirtschaftsbetriebe...
weiterlesenMi., 06. Juli 2022 Karger, Erik
Discussion paper “Quo Vadis Information Systems Research in Times of Digitalization?” by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte und Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann published in Business Information Systems Engineering
We are pleased to inform you that the discussion paper “Quo Vadis Information Systems Research in Times of Digitalization?” has been accepted for publication in the journal Business Information Systems Engineering. This paper was...
weiterlesenMi., 29. Juni 2022 Khodijah, Anna
SITM papers on “The Silver-lining Role of Cultural Diversity in Project Success” and “Ethnographic Study on Cultural Diverse Project Team” were accepted in the EURAM 2022 Conference
We are pleased to inform you that two papers from Anna Y. Khodijah have been accepted in the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2022 Conference. Her paper "The Silver-lining Role of Cultural Diversity in Project Success"...
weiterlesenMi., 15. Juni 2022 Karger, Erik
Bachelor, Master, ... and now?
You are about to finish your master's degree, but are still undecided what you want to do next? If research has always fascinated you, then perhaps a PhD is the next logical step. In the near future, the SITM chair will need...
weiterlesenFr., 10. Juni 2022 Karger, Erik
Kick-off event of the Urban Innovation Forum at the Essen Science Summer
The 4th Essen Science Summer takes place from 01 - 24 June 2022. This year, the theme is "Intelligent City". For this, a wide variety of events are gathered, which deal with the urban issues of the future. The program offers a...
weiterlesenMi., 18. Mai 2022 Khodijah, Anna
Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Organizational Behavior (Blended-Learning)” in the winter semester 2021/2022
We are happy to announce the excellent feedback we received on the “Organizational Behavior” (“OB”) course held in the 2021/2022 winter semester. The participating students were bachelor’s degree students studying Information...
weiterlesenMo., 16. Mai 2022 Khodijah, Anna
SITM paper was accepted in the Academy of Management Discovery (AMD) Paper Development Workshop (PDW) in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands on Thursday, 12 May 2022
We are happy to announce that Anna Khodijah’s “An Ethnographic Study on Cultural Diverse Project Team” paper was accepted in the Academy of Management Discovery (AMD) Paper Development Workshop (PDW), which was held in Vrije...
weiterlesenMo., 09. Mai 2022 Karger, Erik
SITM paper “Managing In‑Company IT Standardization: A Design Theory” is published in the Information Systems Frontiers journal
We are pleased to announce that the publication “Managing In‑Company IT Standardization: A Design Theory” written by Frederik Ahlemann, Sven Dittes, Tim Fillbrunn, Kevin Rehring, Stefan Reining and Nils Urbach has been published...
weiterlesenMo., 02. Mai 2022 Karger, Erik
Registration for the 14th Science Forum Mobility on 23 June is now possible
A registration for the Science Forum Mobility, which will take place on June 23 in Duisburg, is now possible. The event is scheduled to take place in presence at the CityPalais in Duisburg. Scientists and industry...
weiterlesenMo., 11. Apr. 2022 Karger, Erik
Phasing out of Business & IT Consulting
The Business & IT Consulting module will take place for the last time in the summer semester 2022. Interested students who would like to participate in the Business & IT Consulting module can still contact Erik Karger by e-mail...
weiterlesenMo., 04. Apr. 2022 Alsdorf, Helge
SITM paper on “Nudging Pro-Environmental Behavior” accepted for journal publication in Sustainability Special Issue
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Nudging Pro-Environmental Behavior - The influence of decision-making styles on the effectiveness of digital nudges” has been accepted for publication in the journal Sustainability. The...
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