

Current Announcements

 Do., 30. Apr. 2015   Gina Hoppe

We warmly welcome our chair’s new secretary Claudia Sohn

Claudia Sohn started working at the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management as the chair’s secretary in April 2015. Previously, Claudia worked closely with the executive board of an international chemical company....

 So., 19. Apr. 2015

Dr. Pospiech will give a presentation on “Wissenschaftlich lesen” on April 22

On April 22, 2015, Dr. Pospiech (Schreibwerkstatt) will give a presentation on the topic „Wissenschaftlich lesen“. The presentation addresses the following topics: ·        How can one work through large amounts of texts...

 Fr., 17. Apr. 2015

Paper accepted for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2015 in Münster

We are proud to announce that the following paper were accepted for presentation and publication at the 23nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2015 in Münster: Andreas Drechsler and Frederik Ahlemann: “Toward a...

 Fr., 17. Apr. 2015

New consultation hours for student advice (Studienberatung) B.Sc. Information Systems

Do you have questions regarding your study courses, or about choosing an area of specialization? Or do you have other questions about studying, or the University? Please feel free to visit the student advice service during office...

 Fr., 17. Apr. 2015

Joint research colloquium with the university of Hagen

On February 26, 2015 a joint research colloquium took place between the BAS chair (Hagen) and the SITM chair (Essen). The chairs discussed several research manuscripts and planned dissertation projects in a productive atmosphere....

 Fr., 17. Apr. 2015

Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the “Softwareforen-Konferenz” in Leipzig

On March 5, 2015, Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation on “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion“ at the Softwareforen-Konferenz in Leipzig, Germany. The...

 Mo., 13. Apr. 2015

Summer School on Next Generation Enterprise Modelling (NEMO) 2015

From July 20, 2015 to July 31, 2015, the University of Vienna will be the setting for the second Summer School on enterprise modelling. The NEMO Summer Schools focus on the conceptualization, design, and implementation of Next...

 Mi., 01. Apr. 2015

SITM IS Project for summer term starts on Monday, 13th of April

In the upcoming summer term, the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers a bachelor and master project that deals with IS/IT strategy development. The goal of the project is to develop and evaluate a...

 Di., 31. März 2015

Paper accepted for the Informing Science journal and the InSITE 2015 conference in Tampa, USA

We are proud to announce that the following paper was accepted as a completed research paper for presentation at the InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education conference: Andreas Drechsler: “Designing to Inform: Toward...

 Mi., 25. März 2015   Hoppe, Gina

Prof. Ahlemann gave a presentation at the conference on “Wertbeitrag der IT” (Value of IT) organized by Softwareforen Leipzig

On March 26, 2015, Prof. Ahlemann held a successful presentation on “Benefits Management – Ein Ansatz zur Nutzengenerierung aus IT-Investitionen” at the “Wertbeitrag der IT” (Value of IT) conference in Leipzig, Germany. The...

 Mi., 25. März 2015   Hoppe, Gina

Paper accepted for DESRIST 2015 Conference in Dublin

We are proud to announce that the following paper was accepted as a completed research paper for presentation and publication at the 10th Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2015...

 Di., 24. März 2015   Hoppe, Gina

Sven Dittes and Florian Hesselmann held a presentation at the WI 2015 in Osnabrück

On March 4, Florian Hesselmann held a successful presentation on the paper “Not Everybody's Darling - Investigating the Acceptance of Benefits Management and Moderating Organizational Characteristics,” which he, Frederik Ahlemann...

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