Current Announcements
Mo., 04. Jan. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Prof. Ahlemann will be a member of the Program Committee for DESRIST 2016
Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a member of the program committee for the International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) in 2016. As a committee member, Prof....
weiterlesenMo., 04. Jan. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Prof. Ahlemann will be a member of the Program Committee for BIS 2016
Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a member of the program committee for the International Conference on Business information Systems (BIS) in 2016. As a part of the committee, Prof. Ahlemann will decide on the...
weiterlesenMo., 21. Dez. 2015 Clees, Kevin
Two IT management guest lectures in January
We are proud to announce two guest lectures to be held by experienced consultants in January: January 13, 2016 12 pm (c. t.), in room R14 R02 B07 Herr Sven Kreimendahl & Herr Sebastian Obermeier, Campana & Schott...
weiterlesenMo., 14. Dez. 2015 Clees, Kevin
Research paper accepted for the HMD journal
We are proud to announce that the manuscript "Der Wissensarbeitsplatz der Zukunft: Trends, Herausforderungen und Implikationen für das strategische IT-Management" authored by Nils Urbach and Frederik Ahlemann has been accepted for...
weiterlesenMo., 30. Nov. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
Job offer for full-time research assistant position in Information Systems
The Institute of Computer Science and Business Administration seeks a full-time research assistant and offers the possibility to obtain a PhD in Information Systems. We are open to applications regarding all of our department’s...
weiterlesenFr., 27. Nov. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
Research paper accepted for the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2016
We are proud to announce that the paper " Assessing Identity and Access Management Maturity in Germany’s Financial Sector" authored by Andre Schrimpf (PWC), Andreas Drechsler (SITM), and Konstantinos Dagianis (PWC) was accepted...
weiterlesenFr., 27. Nov. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
The track proposal “IT Consulting as a Change Agent” has been accepted for AMCIS 2016
Dr. Andreas Drechsler is one of the chairs of the mini-track “IT Consulting as a Change Agent” for AMCIS 2016. As in the previous year, the track aims at providing a forum for conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented advances in...
weiterlesenMo., 28. Sept. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
Prof. Ahlemann will give an invited keynote speech at the FedCSIS conference on enterprise architecture management
On September 11, 2016, Prof. Ahlemann will give a keynote speech on “How enterprise architecture management improves IS capabilities - Results from a multiple case study” at the FedCSIS conference in Gdansk, Poland. The FedCSIS...
weiterlesenMo., 28. Sept. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
ECIS 2016 track chaired by Dr. Mohan
Dr. Kunal Mohan will serve as the chair of the “Methods, Tools, and Human Factors in IS/IT Management” track at ECIS 2016 to be held in Istanbul. The track aims at providing a forum for conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented...
weiterlesenSa., 26. Sept. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
The SITM chair offers two new master theses on project risk management and audit practices
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management is looking for master’s students planning to write their final thesis on the field of IT management in the near future. We offer topics of growing interest to most IT...
weiterlesenSa., 26. Sept. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
The SITM chair will participate in ZIM cooperation network
Along with other universities and small to medium-sized enterprises, the SITM chair will participate in the ZIM (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand) cooperation network whose proposal was successfully submitted to the GFFT...
weiterlesenSa., 26. Sept. 2015 Hoppe, Gina
Paper accepted at 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
We are proud to announce that the following paper was accepted for presentation and publication at the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): Andreas Drechsler, Alan R. Hevner, T. Grandon Gill: “Beyond...
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