Current Announcements
Mi., 19. Okt. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Prof. Ahlemann appointed a member of the Program Committee for BIS 2017
Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a member of the Program Committee for the International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS). As a member of the Program Committee, Prof. Ahlemann will be responsible for...
weiterlesenFr., 14. Okt. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Session time and rooms for Organizational Behavior WS16/17 updated
The course on Organizational Behavior, starting October 18, will be held on Tuesdays, 12:15–13:45, in room S05 T00 B71, and Wednesdays, 10:15–11:45, in room S06 S00 B32. The tutorial will also be held during these session times,...
weiterlesenMi., 28. Sept. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Additional research paper accepted for 50th Hawaii International Conference on System (HICSS)
We are very pleased to announce that an additional paper was accepted for publication and presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): “The State of Design – A Comprehensive Literature Review to...
weiterlesenMi., 28. Sept. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Stephan Mühe awarded the ISACA Germany Thesis Award for his master’s thesis
At the IT-GRC Congress 2016, Stephan Mühe was awarded the ISACA Germany Thesis Award for his master’s thesis on “Design and Evaluation of an IT Risk Management Framework for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Germany, Based...
weiterlesenDo., 22. Sept. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Bachelor and master projects in winter term 2016/2017
In the upcoming winter term, the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers bachelor and master projects based on current topics. Application is possible until 2016-10-14 (23:59). Further information can be...
weiterlesenDo., 22. Sept. 2016 Hoffmann, David
Article published in Computerwoche (19.09.2016)
The article “Zehn kontroverse Thesen zur IT-Organisation der Zukunft” (Ten Controvertial Propositions on the IT Organization of the Future) was published in the German magazine Computerwoche. In this article, Prof. Frederik...
weiterlesenFr., 09. Sept. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Research paper accepted for 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS)
We are very pleased to announce that the paper “Beyond Business-IT Alignment - Digital Business Strategies as a Paradigmatic Shift: A Review and Research Agenda” by Cathrin Kahre, David Hoffmann, and Frederik Ahlemann was accepted...
weiterlesenFr., 09. Sept. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Prof. Ahlemann to be a member of the Editorial Board of MISQE in June 2017
Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a member of the editorial board for a special issue of the MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE) in June 2017. MISQE focuses on encouraging practice-based research in information systems...
weiterlesenFr., 09. Sept. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Article published in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
We are proud to announce that the article “Der Wissensarbeitsplatz der Zukunft: Trends, Herausforderungen und Implikationen für das strategische IT-Management” was published in the HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In this...
weiterlesenDi., 30. Aug. 2016 Peder Bergan
Excellent evaluations for “Strategic Planning of IS”
The evaluation of the lectures and tutorials presented by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Peder Bergan in the Strategic Planning of IS course has been released. In summary, the participants rated both the lecture and tutorial...
weiterlesenDi., 30. Aug. 2016 Ahlemann, Frederik
New journal offers students the possibility to publish their theses
Junior Management Science (JUMS; is a journal dedicated to publishing outstanding bachelor and master theses from the field of business administration, economics and information systems. The journal has...
weiterlesenDi., 30. Aug. 2016 Clees, Kevin
Prof. Ahlemann to be an associate editor of the WI 2017
Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as an associate editor of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) in 2017. As an associate editor, Prof. Ahlemann will be responsible for the review quality of a...
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