

Current Announcements

 Mo., 13. März 2017   Hoffmann, David

Joint research colloquium with the universities of Hagen and Bayreuth

On March 6, the SITM chair participated in a joint research colloquium with the BAS chair (Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik, Hagen) and the SIM chair (Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach, Bayreuth) in Frankfurt/Main. The chairs discussed several...

 Mo., 13. März 2017   Hoffmann, David

SITM celebrated its spring event

On February 20, the SITM chair celebrated its traditional spring event. The team discussed standards and areas of improvement in teaching and research, as well as current research projects. In the context of a joint dinner, the...

 Mo., 13. März 2017   Hoffmann, David

WI 2017 panel discussion with Frederik Ahlemann

Prof. Ahlemann participated in the panel discussion “Digital ist anders! Wie muss sich die Unternehmens-IT im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung aufstellen?” (Digital is different. How should business IT position itself in the...

 Mi., 22. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Good evaluation results for “Academic Writing and Reviewing” and “Organizational Behavior” tutorials

The evaluation of the tutorials “Academic Writing and Reviewing” and “Organizational Behavior” tutorials has been released. In general, both tutorials were highly rated. Overall, the tutorial “Academic Writing and Reviewing,”...

 Mi., 22. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Interview published in “Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management”

The journal “Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management” has published an interview with Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Prof. Nils Urbach.  In this interview, Profs. Ahlemann and Urbach discuss the chances, risks, and challenges emerging...

 Di., 21. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Good evaluation results for IT-Management

The evaluation of the IT Management course presented by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Peder Bergan has been released. The participants rated both the lecture and tutorial as good. The course was changed to a blended learning...

 Fr., 10. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Two student assistant positions available at the SITM chair

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has two student assistant positions. The student assistants help to create content for the module Organizational Behavior (conversion to Blended Learning) and/or help...

 Fr., 10. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Excellent evaluation of IT Consulting

The evaluation of IT Consulting, which was conducted by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and David Hoffmann, has been released. The participants rated both the lecture and tutorial highly.  The lecture received an evaluation score of...

 Mo., 06. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Tutor positions vacant at the SITM chair (soft skills, 3 credits)

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2017 summer term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...

 Fr., 03. Feb. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Information Systems department becomes institutional member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)

We are proud to announce that the Information Systems department at the University Duisburg-Essen has joined the Association for Information Systems (AIS) as an institutional member. AIS is the premier professional association for...

 Mo., 30. Jan. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Prof. Ahlemann to be a member of the Program Committee of the 15th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management (AITM'17)

Prof. Ahlemann accepted an invitation to be a member of the program committee of the 15th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management in the context of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and...

 Mo., 30. Jan. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Article published in Computerwoche

The article “Zehn Handlungsfelder für die digitale Transformation der IT” (Ten action fields for IT’s digital transformation) was published in the German magazine Computerwoche. In this article, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Prof....

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