

Current Announcements

 Mi, 28. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Development of a digital master plan for the city of Duisburg

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (SITM), in cooperation with the city of Duisburg and the Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DVV), made a major contribution to the development of a...

 Di, 27. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Job offer for student assistant position at the SITM chair

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has three student assistant positions vacant. The position includes the following activities:  Join an industry collaboration to develop and manage Smart City research...

 Di, 27. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Job offer for student assistant position at the SITM chair (Kopie 1)

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has three student assistant positions vacant. The position includes the following activities:  Join an industry collaboration to develop and manage Smart City research...

 Mi, 21. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

SITM makes Duisburg smarter

We are very proud to announce that the chair of Information Systems and strategic IT Management is part of the Duisburg smart city project. It is our goal to provide innovative ideas and guidance that help Duisburg become a role...

 Di, 20. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Successful presentation of the track “Strategisches IT-Management” at MKWI 2018

Last week, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Prof. Nils Urbach (Universität Bayreuth), and Prof. Reinhard Schütte (Universität Duisburg-Essen) led the track "Strategisches IT-Management" (strategic IT...

 Mi, 14. Mär. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Publication of a paper in the new anthology “Flexibles Lernen mit digitalen Medien ermöglichen”

We are proud to announce that the article “Mehr in besserer Qualität - Blended Learning im Kontext der IT-Projektmanagementausbildung” (More of better quality – bledded learning in the context of IT project management training)...

 Mi, 17. Jan. 2018   Hoffmann, David

Tutor positions vacant at the SITM chair (soft skills, 3 credits)

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers student tutor positions in the international exchange student mentorship program for the 2018 summer term. In general, the tutor mentor has to support incoming...

 Di, 19. Dez. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Sabbatical term: Prof. Ahlemann to be released from teaching duties during the summer term 2018

Prof. Ahlemann will be released from teaching duties during the summer of 2018 as he will be taking a sabbatical.  From 01.04.2018 to 30.09.2018, Prof. Ahlemann will not accept or supervise any new student projects, seminar...

 Di, 19. Dez. 2017   Hoffmann, David

SITM submissions accepted for the 2018 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)

We are proud to announce that the following papers were accepted for presentation and publication for the 2018 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI): Full research paper: Rehring, K., Hoffmann, D., & Ahlemann, F.: Put your...

 Di, 12. Dez. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Articles published in the IT-Governance and International Journal of Systems and Society (IJSS)

We are proud to announce that the following articles were published in the IT-Governance and International Journal of Systems and Society (IJSS): Mühe, Stephan (2017): IT-Risikomanagement-Frameworks für KMU, IT Governance 26,...

 Di, 12. Dez. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Prof. Ahlemann to give a presentation at the HAPPYPROJECTS 18 conference

We are proud to announce that Prof. Frederik Ahlemann will give a presentation on “Projektmanagement im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung” [engl. Project Management in the Digital Era] at the HAPPYPROJECTS 18 in Vienna.  The...

 Di, 12. Dez. 2017   Hoffmann, David

Guest lecture by Ms. Jeanette Hoffmann on Change Management and Organizational Behavior on January 17, 2018

We are happy to announce that Ms. Jeanette Hoffmann, Managing Consultant at Campana & Schott, will give a guest lecture on the topic of Change Management on Wednesday January 17, 2018 at 16:00 – 18:00. The lecture will focus on...

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