Current Announcements
Do., 10. Jan. 2019 Hoffmann, David
Article published in Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal
We are proud to announce that Prof. Ahlemann contributed a discussion to the article “The Impact of Digitalization on the IT Department”, which was published in the Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal (BISE). In...
weiterlesenMo., 17. Dez. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Paper accepted for publication in the Information & Management journal
We are proud to announce that the paper “Understanding the Success of Strategic IT Benchmarking - Exploring the Role of the Individual Level” by Dr. Katharina Ebner (University of Hagen), Prof. Dr. Benjamin Müller (University of...
weiterlesenMi., 05. Dez. 2018 Hoffmann, David
WBD and SITM agree to long-term cooperation
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann’s Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management will cooperate with the municipal company Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg AöR (WBD) from the start of next year. The cooperation’s objective is to...
weiterlesenMo., 03. Dez. 2018 Hoffmann, David
The book “Flexibles Lernen mit digitalen Medien ermöglichen – Strategische Verankerung und Erprobungsfelder guter Praxis an der Universität Duisburg-Essen” receives positive appraisal
The book “Flexibles Lernen mit digitalen Medien ermöglichen – Strategische Verankerung und Erprobungsfelder guter Praxis an der Universität Duisburg-Essen” received two positive reviews from experts in the field of new and...
weiterlesenDi., 27. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Guest lecture by zeb on IT sourcing on December 6, 2018
We are happy to announce that Mr. Moritz Lederer and Mr. Philipp Bendick from zeb consulting will present a guest lecture on December 6, 2018. The lecture will focus on IT sourcing. zeb is a strategy and management consulting...
weiterlesenMi., 21. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Call for papers for “Scientific Forum for Mobility” (Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität)
A call for papers was issued for the 11th Scientific Forum for Mobility (Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität) in 2019. The call goes out to interested researchers and practitioners. In 2019, the Faculty of Engineering of the University...
weiterlesenDi., 13. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management searches for student assistant to support IS:link
The Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (SITM) is looking to hire a student assistant to support the exchange network IS:link. The average weekly workload is 12 hours (can be expandable). The contract is...
weiterlesenDi., 13. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Peder Bergan holds Smart City Startup Workshop at WestVisions event
Representing the SITM chair and the Smart City Duisburg program, Peder Bergan held a Smart City Start-up workshop at the WestVisions event in Duisburg. WestVisions is the premier event for the digital community in the west. It...
weiterlesenDi., 13. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Peder Bergan gives keynote presentation at NavVis summit
Peder Bergan represented the SITM chair and DU-IT GmbH at the NavVis summit in Munich, where he held a keynote presentation about the Smart City Duisburg. NavVis is an international company that develops indoor-mapping...
weiterlesenDo., 08. Nov. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management searches for student assistants
The Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (SITM) is looking to hire a student assistant for various chair-related activities. The average weekly workload depends on the corresponding activity, but is usually 9...
weiterlesenMi., 31. Okt. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Long-term cooperation between DVV and SITM renewed again
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann’s Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has cooperated very successfully with the main IT department of the municipal multi-service group, Duisburger Versorgungs- und...
weiterlesenMo., 29. Okt. 2018 Hoffmann, David
The SITM chair offers four new bachelor theses in the field of Smart City
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management is looking for bachelor students planning to write their final thesis in the near future. Accordingly, three interesting topics in the field of Smart City are offered: ...
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