News Detail:
Mo., 22. Juli 2024 Korn, Falco
WirtschaftsWoche Interview: Prof. Ahlemann on the Easy-Addendum Effect and Effective Time Management
Prof. Ahlemann is pleased to be featured in the latest issue of WirtschaftsWoche (July 19, 2024) with a short interview.
The discussion focused on the so-called Easy-Addendum Effect and the importance of proper time management and prioritization in daily work. A particular emphasis was placed on Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog” method, which recommends tackling the most complex and important task of the day first. Such methods can be excellently combined to make the workday more efficient. Prof. Ahlemann advises identifying the biggest challenges in daily work and testing various methods to overcome them. Reflecting at the end of the (work)day can be very helpful in this regard. Many thanks to WirtschaftsWoche for this opportunity!
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