News Detail:
Mo., 23. Apr. 2018 Hoffmann, David
Presentation of the “Digital master plan for Duisburg” at the Chinese Spring Festival
At this year's fourth Chinese Spring Festival, organized by the Confucius Institute Metropolis Ruhr, our chair presented the concept for the development of a “Digital master plan for Duisburg.” We developed this master plan in collaboration with the City of Duisburg, the Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DVV), der Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie Duisburg mbH (DU-IT). This plan is a blueprint for building and networking the urban and the digital infrastructure in order to exploit the digitization opportunities, increase the quality of the city life, and promote economic growth. In addition, the company Huawei supported the presentation as the strategic partner of the city of Duisburg for the telecommunications sector.
The Chinese Spring Festival celebrates the beginning of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. This festival, organized by the Confucius Institute, offered not only a colorful cultural program, but also the opportunity to present projects with Chinese companies. Consequently, the festival was an ideal time to present our master plan, which led to many exciting and inspiring discussions.
Further information about this festival can be found at the link below.
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