
News Detail:

 Mi, 05. Nov. 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Track proposal “Advancing theories and theorizing in IS research” has been accepted for ECIS 2015

Recently, the track proposal “Advancing theories and theorizing in IS research” has been accepted for the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) 2015. Prof. Ahlemann is one of the track’s associate editors. The track has recently been accepted “as is,” which is a very encouraging signal regarding its expected conference contribution. It deals with, but is not limited to, conceptual advances in IS theories, methodological advances in theorizing about IS, and the nature and role of theories in IS research. Dorothy E. Leidner, Benjamin Mueller, and Nils Urbach will chair the track. The ECIS takes place from May 26-29, 2015 at Muenster, Germany. Further information about this conference can be found here.