
News Detail:

 Mi, 28. Apr. 2021   Jagals, Marvin

SITM paper accepted for the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Inter-Organizational Data Governance: A Literature Review” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021). The paper was written by Marvin Jagals and Erik Karger.

Paper abstract

Digitization and the associated quantitative increase of data continue to advance. New business models solely based on data are emerging, and they create new forms of cooperation. Companies share their data in inter-organizational networks, and this new form of interaction also requires a new form of governance. Existing governance approaches that only operate within company boundaries cannot achieve this. To overcome this, we conducted a systematic literature review. We identified four constructs of inter-organizational governance on which our research framework is built, serving as a basis for our results. These constructs are structure, processes, participants, and success, and we identified various findings within their domains. This contribution reflects the current state of research and lays a foundation for future efforts. Based on the results, we propose several research streams for an in-depth examination of the individual constructs. Limitations include possible undiscovered contributions within the literature analysis.

The aim of ECIS 2021 is to form a meeting place for people in the IS field to discuss fundamental and innovative issues related to Information Systems.Since it was first held in 1993, ECIS has been established as the most important and prestigious European conference on information systems research. ECIS 2021 takes place in Marrakech, Morocco, June 14-16, 2021.