News Detail:
Mo., 12. Mai 2014 Jendrian, Simon
SITM chair joins the paluno Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
Recently, the SITM chair became a member of the paluno Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. The aim of the Institute, which comprises eight professors and over 70 research assistants from the information systems and computer science disciplines, is to develop innovative applications for business models and processes. The SITM chair complements the Institute’s research portfolio with its expertise in software development management. Paluno’s research teams combine competencies covering all phases and layers of software engineering, and offer experience in application domains as diverse as insurance, automotive, health, energy, and logistics. In research and industry projects with partners across Europe, paluno develops scientific, yet pragmatic, approaches to provide complex software systems for future infrastructures and for the current application landscapes.
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- Successfully completed: "Duisport Community: development and expansion of innovative stakeholder management” 28.10.24
- Good evaluation results for the course "IT Project Management" in the summer semester 202428.10.24
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- One student project offered by the SITM chair in SS2323.03.23
- Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Information Systems Research” in the winter semester of 2022/202316.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide03.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant12.01.23