News Detail:
Mi., 20. Sept. 2023 Schkolski, Alexandar
Prof. Frederik Ahlemann will have a research semester in the upcoming winter term
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management would like to inform all students and academic partners that Prof. Frederik Ahlemann will be having a research semester in the coming winter term. All scheduled modules will take place. However, all lectures will be held by academic staff or provided as pre-recorded videos. During his research semester, Prof. Ahlemann will focus on his current research projects and publications and participate in various research activities.
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- Successfully completed: "Duisport Community: development and expansion of innovative stakeholder management” 28.10.24
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- One student project offered by the SITM chair in SS2323.03.23
- Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Information Systems Research” in the winter semester of 2022/202316.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide03.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant12.01.23