News Detail:
Mo., 02. Sept. 2013 Jendrian, Simon
Prof. Ahlemann is part of a track chair at the ECIS 2014
Professor Dr. Frederik Ahlemann is involved as an associate editor in the track for “Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research” at the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014) in Tel Aviv, Israel. The track tries to debate the nature and meaning of theory in IS in contrast to the focus on methodological advances in the past decade. To achieve this, the track seeks submissions of papers that are innovative, novel, and significant in furthering the ability to theorize phenomena of digital work and life. For further information please visit the conference website or check the official flyer of the track.
- Join our team! Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires one Student Assistant for supporting is:link18.11.24
- Call for Papers: 17th Science Forum Mobility on May 15th 202529.10.24
- Successfully completed: "Duisport Community: development and expansion of innovative stakeholder management” 28.10.24
- Good evaluation results for the course "IT Project Management" in the summer semester 202428.10.24
- Opening Ruhr Symposium 2024 on AI for Functional Materials22.10.24
- Opening Ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science09.10.24
- Vacant master thesis seeks to investigate and assess how municipal enterprises’ innovation culture influences the effectiveness of digital innovation activity18.04.23
- One student project offered by the SITM chair in SS2323.03.23
- Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Information Systems Research” in the winter semester of 2022/202316.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide03.02.23