News Detail:
Do., 19. Mai 2016 Clees, Kevin
Paper written by students accepted for 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
We are proud to announce that the following paper was accepted for presentation and publication at the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS): “How do online bookstores influence the sales of traditional bookstores in China?” by Jonas Kuhlmann, Peng Xu, Sha Li, and Li Zhou. This paper originates from four students’ research project, which was part of the lectures “Information Systems Research” and “Academic Writing and Reviewing” held by Prof. Frederik Ahlemann and Kevin Clees. In this course, students learn how to read, write, and review academic papers. Owing to the interesting topic and well-written paper, we encouraged these four students to submit their paper to PACIS for publication. PACIS is an annual conference focusing on information-related technologies and practices. The conference is affiliated with the Association for Information Systems (AIS). All submitted papers are peer-reviewed. This year, PACIS will be held in Chiayi, Taiwan from June 27-July 1, 2016. Further information about this conference can be found at:
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