News Detail:
Di., 16. Juli 2013 Cleve, Nicolai
Paper on Process Benchmarking successfully published in Benchmarking: An International Journal
We are happy to announce that the paper “Semantic Process Benchmarking to Improve Process Performance” by Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, Martin Kluth, Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik was successfully released in Benchmarking: An International Journal Volume 20 Issue 4. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and evaluate the semantic process benchmarking concept. The authors' methodological approach includes the use of metamodels and ontologies, which make the process models syntactically and semantically comparable. Furthermore, a software prototype is presented to analyze and compare individual process models and their performance information. Thereafter, the technical, conceptual, and economic perspectives of the approach's evaluation are aligned with their respective outcomes. The evaluation proves that this approach is generally suitable to generate novel and useful information on different process models and their performance within the same problem domain. However, the initial set-up costs are high and will only pay off once process models are used regularly. The developed SEMAT prototype, that demonstrates and proves the proposed approach's general viability, supports cost-effective ontology engineering and annotation in the context of semantic process benchmarking initiatives.
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