News Detail:
Do., 15. Apr. 2021 Bergan, Peder
New Smart City workshop series in the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center (SCDIC) will be conducted by SITM chair
In cooperation with the SITM chair, the Smart City Duisburg Innovation Center (SCDIC) organizes several workshops on the topic of Smart City. Due to its expertise, the SITM chairplays a central role for the design and conduction of the following three types of Smart City related workshops in the SCDIC.
1. In the workshop "Digitization and Smart City", participants will learn basic terms and methods of digitization in the smart city context. For this purpose, current trends, developments and technologies are presented, and innovative examples of companies and smart city initiatives are highlighted.
2. In a second workshop "Design Thinking for Smart City Solutions" the focus is on a modern innovation method for generating user-oriented solutions and ideas. In this workshop, participants will learn to use a highly effective tool - which is also used by global players such as Google – for the development of innovative Smart City solutions.
3. Finally, the workshop "Agile Project Management - Fundamentals and Working with Scrum and Kanban" aims to clarify the difference between traditional and agile project management. Thereby, the handling of the agile methods Scrum and Kanban will be deepened.
All three workshops integrate and consider real-world smart city case studies. Participants do not need to have any prior knowledge, as the basic concepts of a smart city are explained in the events. The events are aimed at employees and managers of the SCDIC's partner companies as well as employees and students of the University Duisburg-Essen
For more information on the SCDIC and workshops, visit
The first workshop on "Design Thinking for Smart City Solutions" will be held on Thursday, 04/22/2021, 2:00 - 4:00 pm.
- Links:
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