News Detail:
Mi., 05. Dez. 2018 Hoffmann, David
WBD and SITM agree to long-term cooperation
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann’s Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management will cooperate with the municipal company Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg AöR (WBD) from the start of next year. The cooperation’s objective is to support the WBD conceptionally with the realization of digitization initiatives. Prof. Ahlemann and several research assistants will work closely with WBD staff. The focus will be on creating a digital agenda, as well as strategies and business models, the development of a digitization department, and professional support for digital transformation in general. As part of this cooperation, the SITM Chair is also expanding its activities as part of the City of Duisburg’s Smart City Initiative.
The Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg are responsible, among other things, for waste management, urban drainage and purification, maintenance of the urban green areas, cemeteries and their crematoria, maintenance of urban infrastructure, water maintenance, flood protection, as well as training, qualification, further training, retraining, and support for unemployed young people, long-term unemployed workers, and welfare recipients on the regional job market.
Since 2012, the Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has dealt extensively with issues related to companies and institutions’ digital transformation. This not only includes the development and evaluation of process models, methods, and tools that support IT’s successful management, but we also investigate the behavior of and effects on people interacting with these artifacts. In order to ensure our research results’ applicability and sustainable benefit, the chair works closely with companies and public institutions.
- Links:
Our Courses for Summer Semester 2025 @SITM26.02.25
The Power of Habits for Academic Success: Frederik Ahlemann at UB|Schreibcamp04.02.25
- Vacant master thesis seeks to investigate and assess how municipal enterprises’ innovation culture influences the effectiveness of digital innovation activity18.04.23
- One student project offered by the SITM chair in SS2323.03.23
- Excellent evaluation results for the course tutorial of “Information Systems Research” in the winter semester of 2022/202316.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a research aide03.02.23
- Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant12.01.23
BAS/ditlab/SITM Research Colloquium in Frankfurt25.11.22
- Call for Papers: 15th Science Forum Mobility on May 11th, 202315.11.22
Kick-off for IS Projects and the Co-Creation Lab Digital10.11.22