
News Detail:

 Fr., 08. Sept. 2023   Schütz, Sabrina

Join our team! Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires one graduated assistant for supporting the development of a new course in the field of individual and personal productivity.

The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (SITM) has one vacancy for a graduate assistant (B.Sc.). The position includes the following supporting activities in the field of “Individual and Personal Productivity”: 

  • Active development of a new course 

  • Support of research activities as well as production of educational material including videos 

  • Cooperation for academic publications and reports 

  • Support of research projects 

  • Assistance for administrative tasks 

We expect you to have a university bachelor degree and a good knowledge of German and English language (written and spoken). You should work reliably and you should be team-orientated as well as confident in communicating and presenting. 

Your workplace will be on the university campus in Essen.

Weekly working time: 15 hours (flexible) 

Contract duration: 6 months (extension possible) 

Application deadline:  

20th September 2023. 

Interested? Please send your complete job application (including motivation letter, CV, current enrolment receipt and transcript of records) to Mr. Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 45117 Essen; 


For further information please see the attached job ad.