News Detail:
Mi., 29. Mai 2013 Hesselmann, Florian
Announcement regarding the special exam IT Management and IT Controlling in summer term 2013 and its transition (Update)
The Application for the special exam “IT Management and IT Controlling” (6 ECTS) of Prof. Ahlemann starts on June 10th 2013 and ends on June 14th 2013. Please consider that the exam might be named “IT-Management (6 ECTS)” in the application form. You can apply for the exam online by using the QIS system for the bachelor students of BWL, VWL, and Wirtschaftsinformatik. The exam takes place on July 24th from 14:00 to 16:00. You can unregister from the exam until July 17th 2013. If you apply for this special exam, your previous application for “IT-Controlling and IT-Risikomanagement” (3 ECTS) is dropped automatically. This is no participant-restricted course! Furthermore, to make the transition phase from IT-Management and IT-Controlling to IT-Management I+II as convenient as possible for our students, the upcoming exams offered by our chair will be the following: Summer term 2013: A “small” exam (IT-Controlling and IT-Risikomanagement, 3 ECTS) and a special exam (IT-Management and IT-Controlling, 6 ECTS). The latter is offered particularly for students who didn’t pass the IT-Management exam in the last winter term. Winter term 2013/14: A “small” exam (IT-Management) is offered for the last time. Summer term 2014: A “small” exam (IT-Controlling and IT-Risikomanagement, 3 ECTS) is offered for the last time. Winter term 2014/15: The transition phase to IT-Management I+II is completed. From here on, only a “big” exam for the entire module (IT-Management I + IT-Management II) is offered every summer. Everyone who has already passed the exams of the module “IT-Management und IT-Controlling” is not allowed to apply for the special exam “IT-Management (6 ECTS)”, which substitutes the module “IT-Management und IT-Controlling”.
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