Current Announcements
Do., 03. März 2022 Alsdorf, Helge
SITM paper on “Green IT/IS Adoption and Usage in the DACH region” accepted for journal publication in HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
We are thrilled to announce that the paper “Relevanz und Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit – Green IT/IS als Nischenthema in KMU der DACH-Region” has been accepted for publication in the journal HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik....
weiterlesenDo., 24. Feb. 2022 Bergan, Peder
SITM paper nominated for Best Paper Award of WI 2022
We are proud to announce that the paper "Making Data Valuable for Smart City Service Systems - A Citizen Journey Map for Data-driven Service Design" authored by Michel Muschkiet, Babett Kühne, Marvin Jagals, Peder Bergan, Kevin...
weiterlesenDo., 10. Feb. 2022 Khodijah, Anna
Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires a student assistant
The Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management has one student assistant positions vacant. The position includes the following activities: Support of administrative chair activities Developing, creating...
weiterlesenDi., 25. Jan. 2022 Karger, Erik
Call for Papers at Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2022
The 14th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität will take place in Duisburg in June 2022. Scientists and industry representatives are invited to participate in the conference, which focuses on mobility and related topics. This forum...
weiterlesenMo., 10. Jan. 2022 Bergan, Peder
Job offer for student assistant or research aide position at the SITM chair
The Ruhr Campus Academy has one student assistant or research aide position vacant. The position includes the following activities: Support for teaching through the (further) development, creation and maintenance of teaching...
weiterlesenDi., 21. Dez. 2021 Khodijah, Anna
Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Kunihiro Ohta über den “Wandel der Hochschule: Die Erfahrungen der Universität Tokio”
Am 08.12.2021 hat Prof. Dr. Kunihiro Ohta, geschäftsführender Direktor und Vizepräsident der Universität Tokio, einen Vortrag über den “Wandel der Hochschule: Die Erfahrungen der Universität Tokio” gehalten. Prof. Dr. Ohta...
weiterlesenFr., 26. Nov. 2021 Jagals, Marvin
SITM paper nominated for Best Theory Development Paper Award of ICIS 2021
We are proud to announce that the paper "Enhancing Inter-Organizational Data Governance via Blockchain – Shaping Scopes and Research Avenues" authored by Marvin Jagals, Erik Karger, Frederik Ahlemann, and Tim Brée has been...
weiterlesenDo., 04. Nov. 2021 Karger, Erik
Paper “Data Preprocessing as a Service – Outsourcing der Datenvorverarbeitung für KI-Modelle mithilfe einer digitalen Plattform” is published in the journal Informatik Spektrum
We are pleased to announce that the publication “Data Preprocessing as a Service – Outsourcing der Datenvorverarbeitung für KI-Modelle mithilfe einer digitalen Plattform” written by Erik Karger and Marko Kureljusic has been...
weiterlesenMi., 03. Nov. 2021 Karger, Erik
Springer Proceedings of the WI 2021 Conference now available
We are pleased to announce that the Springer Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung für Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 (WI 2021) are now available online through Springer. The Proceedings of WI 2021 are published in three volumes...
weiterlesenDi., 26. Okt. 2021 Karger, Erik
Professor Ahlemann holds workshop at Strategy Summit IT & Information Management
On Tuesday, 26th October, Prof. Ahlemann, in cooperation with the consulting firm Campana und Schott, held a workshop at the IT & Information Management Strategy Summit on the topic "IT 2025: Sustainable, innovative &...
weiterlesenDo., 21. Okt. 2021 Jagals, Marvin
GUIDE - Start-up Coffee Talk with Prof. Ahlemann on Friday, 29.10.2021
On Friday, 29th October, Prof. Ahlemann will be the guest at the GUIDE Start-up Coffee Talk. The topic will be “From startup-savvy students to startup-supporting professors." Interested parties are always welcome to join in the...
weiterlesenMi., 20. Okt. 2021 Khodijah, Anna
Two student projects offered by the SITM chair
For master students who want to carry out a study project, the SITM Chair offers two study projects this semester. Further information can be found in the project descriptions. Interested students are invited to apply until...
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